Dryden Speaks Against Harper Motion
And Liberal resolution, as well.
The forecast for the first half of our convention is warm, warm, warm! Delegates coming from
Harper has brought forth a motion in response to the motion to be brought forward by the Bloc tomorrow. He recognises the Quebec nation within a united Canada. He rejects Bloc notion of Quebec of independant nation. House goes mad. Big, great kudos from our fearless leader Bill Graham for commitment of Canada and ability to overcome partisanship. Liberals will work with all parties to promote Canada - houuse goes mad. Great speech! Duceppe is up next.
Last week the Quebec Women's Liberal Commission passed a procedural resolution asking that all resolutions adopted by the Special General Counsel on October 21st be removed as LPCQ priority resolutions. The concern is not the content of the resolutions themselves - though some resolutions are more popular than others -but how this set of resolutions became a priority in the first place. The process is highly questionable and not transparent in the least.
I was not terribly surprised to see that anti-Anglo sentiment is alive and well in the booing Quebec Iggy Youth. Alexandre Plante of Fuddle Duddle posted the following remark at Views from the Water Edge:
It is supported by most Quebec Liberals. Only a handful of angry anglos are against it. The type of Anglos that haven't evolved since the 1950-1960s. The ones that caused the separatist movement to erupt.Now suppose we replace 'anglo' with some other ethnic/religious or linguistic group. It's interesting that among certain people, the last bastion of socially acceptable ethnic slurs are those directed at English-speaking Quebecers. With inflammatory remarks like that, I'm wondering if it will be Iggy campaign propaganda in my mailbox tomorrow or something slightly more sinister....
Today Michael Ignatieff had op-eds published in both languages (G&M and La Presse) where he 'clarifies' his position on the nation of Quebec.
The following is a draft resolution from real LPCQ activists. Contrary to the spin, not all members of our party support the process used at the Conseil Général Spécial to determine priority resolutions. We are also concerned that members of LPC in the other provinces and territories might be led to believe that all members of LPCQ support lack of transparency in process. This is not the case. We are determined to save this Convention and we hope we will have the support of Liberals everywhere - even if only in spirit.