Sunday, August 27, 2006

Tory: CPC doesn't deserve title

The nickname Tory has had a long and distinguished history in conservative politics in the British Commonwealth. There have been many Tories who, while big 'C' conservative, I have admired. There is nothing resembling the respectable 'Tory' in Harper's Conservative Party of Canada. Its core is based in other hard right parties that merged to form CPC. A True Tory is not discriminatory like Harper's gang has proven itself to be. I believe we should not dignify CPC and besmirch 'real' ideological Tories like Scott Brison by calling them Tories. Perhaps we should steal the term away: Liberal Tory could apply to the more conservative wing of our Liberal family. A few candidates and MPs come to mind, actually.

We need to find a new, more suitable nickname for the Conservative Party of Canada. They do not deserve to be called Tories.


At 5:36 p.m., Blogger wilson said...

Conservative works for me !

Do you prefer Liberal or Grit ?

At 6:09 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Social Credit. 'Cause that's what they are; lock, stock and barrel.

At 6:48 p.m., Blogger Karen said...

Straussian Neo-Con, best suits this party.

Actually, I didn't think they were called Tory. Provincial parties are, but I thought Tory had been tossed as soon as they came to power.

You're right though. If it is used it should be turfed, because I think avid followers and those who just knee-jerked and voted against the Lib's, actually think this party is just like the Progressive Conservative is NOTHING like that party and the sooner people realise that the better.

At 9:34 p.m., Blogger Karen said...

Ontario you know who Leo Strauss is? Do you know that it is his philosophy that Harper subscribes to? Basically, it's lie to them, they are stupid and won't realise, (BTW, thats how we spell it in Canada). The 'noble lie', is what you have fallen for. If you buy it, fine...but I don't think most people know.

At 9:47 p.m., Blogger Sinestra said...

knb: I know who Leo Strauss was and I couldn't agree with you more. Though Strauss's Thoughts on Machiavelli and his Notes on Nietzsche's Beyod Good and Evil are incredible. The other Chicago School stuff is pure CPC.

At 10:35 p.m., Blogger Sinestra said...

Nazis? No, not quite THAT bad.

Frightening freakazoids, maybe.

At 11:12 p.m., Blogger Jay said...

Well they came from Canadian Alliance Reform Party or CRAP so lets called them that or Crappies.

At 11:22 p.m., Blogger Sinestra said...

Jay, you've hit the nail on the head. CRAP. Canadian Reform Alliance Party. Merci!

At 12:21 a.m., Blogger wilson said...

What do you suppose Buzz meant by
' NDP is too right winged'? Giving Libs the heads up maybe?

If the union vote goes to the very left led Green Party, Orchard goes Green (re-nafta, sorry Dion)
crap will describe the Liberal party's future.

The left vote divided 4 ways, not looking good for you guys.


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