Friday, August 25, 2006

Liberals, let's change the subject

I can just imagine all those CPC wankers having a laugh-fest at our ripping each other to shreds over the Middle East. So, I'd like to propose to this extended Liberal family that we change the subject and re-focus on fighting over whose candidate is the best - not worst - and focus on Canada instead of points East.

With this in mind, I'll suggest a trip to Shoshanna's blog where she captures what we all knew about KD all along.


At 12:26 p.m., Blogger Sinestra said...

cherniak_wtf: ummm, that's not quite what I meant about changing the subject. That said, you make a good point about allowing CPC to encourage infighting. It's pretty sad that they're acting like our party should be acting (united) and we're acting like those freaks. It's just not on.

At 2:55 p.m., Blogger Edgewater Views said...

Sinestra, you are right on the mark. It is time to move beyond the internal quibbling that is taking the heat off of the Tories. Liberals need to focus collectively on a one election strategy; this should start by agreeing to the process of moving on about this issue, whether Liberals agree to disagree or not on the content of the issue.

At 3:06 p.m., Blogger Anthony said...

uh If I was Ken Dryden or you Jen, I would run away from Shoshanna berman as quickly as possible

At 7:14 p.m., Blogger Sinestra said...

Don't worry, Antonio. My house will be packed with 'other' Dryden delegates come convention. At least she's got good taste in candidates.

Will we see you in Brome?

At 10:56 p.m., Blogger Jason Cherniak said...

That's one way to look at it. Anothe way to look at is that we are reassuring a number of Jewish people that they need not leave the party. We have let the Tories tell Jews that the Liberal Party is bad for them since the 1980s. I am just doing a little bit of fighting back.

At 10:09 a.m., Blogger Sinestra said...

Jason, I think we should make the Liberal party a welcoming place to everyone, regardless of faith. That said, there are many shades of red (with thanks to Meena) and many types of Liberals. This Quebec Liberal is tired of the subject dominating the debate and the divisions it's causing in our Liberal family. That was the intent behind my suggestion to change the subject. Feel free to continue discussing it at your blog, but you have obviously seen the nastiness this topic brings out. Pretty ugly.


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